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Request Instructions

If you would like to request reagents from Dr. Lazar, please follow the directions below.

  • The PI must agree to acknowledge the gift of the reagent in any publication that uses it.
  • The reagent may not be given to other investigators without permission.
  • The MTA must be signed by the PI and cosigned by an authorized representative of their institution.


Initiate MTA

To initiate the MTA please send the information to Michelle Burrows 

  • Your name and organization.
  • The research you are planning to do with the reagents.
  • A list of the reagents you would like.
  • Please include the publication information where you saw the reagents you are requesting.
  • A shipping address for the delivery.
  • Your FedEx account number.

When the above forms are completed the material will be shipped. All materials will be as indicated on the packaging to the best of our  knowledge. We recommend sequencing any DNA from the backbone vector to verify the contents are correct.

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